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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Malaysia Utilities (Electricity,Gas,Water)

Electricity: 200-240 V AC 50 Hz
Plug type: 3 pronged British plug or continental plug
Light fitting: bayonet and screw type

Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) is the monopoly generator and supplier of electrical power in peninslar of Malaysia(east of Malaysia). As for the State of Sabah and the Federal Territory of Labuan(west of Malaysia) ,Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd. (SESB) generates and distributes the electricity, while Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation (SESCO) generates and distributes electricity in the State of Sarawak(west of Malaysia).

Electricity bills are sent out monthly by post and can be paid at a post office or the electricity supplier's office.Nowadays, people can also make their bills through ATM machine.The bills will usually be in the landlord's name.

Piped gas is only available in Kuala Lumpur and some major towns of peninsular Malaysia and is supplied by Gas Malaysia Sdn Bhd.Other states or places are with bottled gas

Water utilities in Malaysia are managed and overseen by individual state water authorities.Either the water company or the mangement of your apartment will charge and bill you monthly.

Tap water is safe to drink in major towns or cities. However, most Malaysians in towns and villages make it a habit to boil their drinking water.Most aparments and household have water filters for cleaner water. Mineral or bottled water is available everywhere for purchase.

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